Source code for pyfeng.sabr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Oct 10
@author: jaehyuk


import abc
import copy
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as spop

from . import opt_smile_abc as smile
from . import bsm
from . import norm
from . import cev

class SabrABC(smile.OptSmileABC, abc.ABC):
    vov, beta, rho = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
    model_type = "SABR"
    var_process = False
    _base_beta = None

    def __init__(self, sigma, vov=0.0, rho=0.0, beta=1.0, intr=0.0, divr=0.0, is_fwd=False):
            sigma: model volatility at t=0
            vov: volatility of volatility
            rho: correlation between price and volatility
            beta: elasticity parameter. 1.0 by default
            intr: interest rate (domestic interest rate)
            divr: dividend/convenience yield (foreign interest rate)
            is_fwd: if True, treat `spot` as forward price. False by default.
        super().__init__(sigma, intr=intr, divr=divr, is_fwd=is_fwd)
        self.vov = vov
        self.rho = rho
        self.beta = beta

    def params_kw(self):
        params = super().params_kw()
        extra = {"vov": self.vov, "beta": self.beta, "rho": self.rho}
        return {**params, **extra}  # Py 3.9, params | extra

    def _variables(self, fwd, texp):
        betac = 1.0 - self.beta
        alpha = self.sigma / np.power(fwd, betac)  # if self.beta > 0.0 else self.sigma
        rho2 = self.rho**2
        rhoc = np.sqrt(1.0 - rho2)
        vovn = self.vov * np.sqrt(np.maximum(texp, 1e-64))
        return alpha, betac, rhoc, rho2, vovn

    def base_model(self, vol, is_fwd=None):
        Create base model based on _base_beta value: `Norm` for 0, Cev for (0,1), and `Bsm` for 1
        If `_base_beta` is None, use `base` instead.

            vol: base model volatility
            is_fwd: if True, treat `spot` as forward price. False by default.

        Returns: model
        base_beta = self._base_beta or self.beta
        if is_fwd is None:
            is_fwd = self.is_fwd
        if np.isclose(base_beta, 1):
            return bsm.Bsm(vol, intr=self.intr, divr=self.divr, is_fwd=is_fwd)
        elif np.isclose(base_beta, 0):
            return norm.Norm(vol, intr=self.intr, divr=self.divr, is_fwd=is_fwd)
            return cev.Cev(
                vol, beta=base_beta, intr=self.intr, divr=self.divr, is_fwd=is_fwd

    def vol_smile(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1, model=None):
        if model is None:
            model = (
                if np.isclose(self.beta, 0)
                else "bsm"
                if self.beta > 0.0
                else None

        return super().vol_smile(strike, spot, texp, cp=1, model=model)

    def init_benchmark(cls, set_no=None):
        Initiate a SABR model with stored benchmark parameter sets

            set_no: set number

            Dataframe of all test cases if set_no = None
            (model, Dataframe of result, params) if set_no is specified

            - Antonov, Alexander, Konikov, M., & Spector, M. (2013). SABR spreads its wings. Risk, 2013(Aug), 58–63.
            - Antonov, Alexandre, Konikov, M., & Spector, M. (2019). Modern SABR Analytics. Springer International Publishing.
            - Antonov, Alexandre, & Spector, M. (2012). Advanced analytics for the SABR model. Available at SSRN.
            - Cai, N., Song, Y., & Chen, N. (2017). Exact Simulation of the SABR Model. Operations Research, 65(4), 931–951.
            - Korn, R., & Tang, S. (2013). Exact analytical solution for the normal SABR model. Wilmott Magazine, 2013(7), 64–69.
            - Lewis, A. L. (2016). Option valuation under stochastic volatility II: With Mathematica code. Finance Press.
            - von Sydow, L., ..., Haentjens, T., & Waldén, J. (2018). BENCHOP - SLV: The BENCHmarking project in Option Pricing – Stochastic and Local Volatility problems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 1–14.
        this_dir, _ = os.path.split(__file__)
        file = os.path.join(this_dir, "data/sabr_benchmark.xlsx")
        df_param = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name="Param", index_col="Sheet")

        if set_no is None:
            return df_param
            df_val = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name=str(set_no))
            param = df_param.loc[set_no]
            args_model = {k: param[k] for k in ("sigma", "vov", "rho", "beta")}
            args_pricing = {k: param[k] for k in ("texp", "spot")}

            assert df_val.columns[0] == "Strike"
            args_pricing["strike"] = df_val.values[:, 0]

            val = df_val[param["col_name"]].values
            is_iv = param["col_name"].startswith("IV")

            m = cls(**args_model)

            param_dict = {
                "args_pricing": args_pricing,
                "ref": param["Reference"],
                "val": val,
                "is_iv": is_iv,

            return m, df_val, param_dict

class SabrVolApproxABC(SabrABC):
    Abstract class for SABR models with volatility approximation (asymptotic expansion)

    approx_order = 1  # order in texp: 0: leading order, 1: first order, -1: reserved for 2/(1+exp(-2*eps)) smoothing

    def _vv(zz, rho):
        return np.sqrt(1 + zz * (zz + 2 * rho))

    def _int_inv_locvol(strike, beta, fwd=1.0):
        (int from F to K x^-beta dx)/(K-F)
            = 1/(1-beta) * (K^(1-beta) - F^(1-beta))/(K-F)
            = F^(-beta)/(1-beta) * (k^(1-beta) - 1)/(k-1) where k = K/F




        assert np.isscalar(beta)
        beta = float(beta)  # np.power complains if power is negative integer
        betac = 1.0 - beta
        kk = strike / fwd

        # fall-back indices and values first
        ind_atm = np.fabs(kk - 1.0) < 1e-6
        val = 1 - beta / 2 * (kk - 1) * (1 - (1 + beta) / 3 * (kk - 1))
        with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
            if abs(betac) < 1e-4:
                val = np.where(ind_atm, val, np.log(kk) / (kk - 1))
                val = np.where(
                    ind_atm, val, (np.power(kk, betac) - 1) / betac / (kk - 1)

        return val

    def _hh(zz, rho):
        H(z) in the paper

            zz: array
            rho: scalar

        Returns: H(z)

        rho2 = rho * rho
        # initalization with expansion for for small |zz|
        xx_zz = 1 - (zz / 2) * (
            rho - zz * (rho2 - 1 / 3 - (5 * rho2 - 3) / 4 * rho * zz)

        yy = SabrVolApproxABC._vv(zz, rho)
        eps = 1e-5

        with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):  # suppress error for zz=0
            # replace negative zz
            xx_zz = np.where(
                zz > -eps, xx_zz, np.log((1 - rho) / (yy - (zz + rho))) / zz
            # replace positive zz
            xx_zz = np.where(
                zz < eps, xx_zz, np.log((yy + (zz + rho)) / (1 + rho)) / zz

        return 1.0 / xx_zz

    def vol_for_price(self, strike, spot, texp):
        Equivalent volatility of the SABR model

            strike: strike price
            spot: spot (or forward)
            texp: time to expiry

            equivalent volatility
        return NotImplementedError

    def price(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1):
        vol = self.vol_for_price(strike, spot, texp)
        m_vol = self.base_model(vol)
        price = m_vol.price(strike, spot, texp, cp=cp)
        return price

    def impvol(self, price, strike, spot, texp, cp=1, setval=False):
        model = copy.copy(self)

        vol = self.base_model(None).impvol(price, strike, spot, texp, cp=cp)

        def iv_func(_sigma):
            model.sigma = _sigma
            return model.vol_for_price(strike, spot, texp) - vol

        sigma = spop.brentq(iv_func, 0, 10)

        if setval:
            self.sigma = sigma
        return sigma

    def vol_smile(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1, model=None):
        if model is None:
            model = (
                if np.isclose(self.beta, 0)
                else "bsm"
                if self.beta > 0.0
                else None

        vol_beta = self._base_beta or self.beta
        if (model.lower() == "bsm" and np.isclose(vol_beta, 1)) or (
            model.lower() == "norm" and np.isclose(vol_beta, 0)
            vol = self.vol_for_price(strike, spot, texp)
            vol = super().vol_smile(strike, spot, texp, cp=cp, model=model)
        return vol

[docs]class SabrHagan2002(SabrVolApproxABC): """ SABR model with Hagan's implied volatility approximation for 0<beta<=1. References: Hagan, P. S., Kumar, D., Lesniewski, A. S., & Woodward, D. E. (2002). Managing Smile Risk. Wilmott, September, 84–108. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyfeng as pf >>> m = pf.SabrHagan2002(sigma=2, vov=0.2, rho=-0.3, beta=0.5) >>> m.vol_for_price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([0.21976016, 0.20922027, 0.200432 , 0.19311113, 0.18703486]) >>> m.price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([22.04862858, 14.56226187, 8.74170415, 4.72352155, 2.28891776]) """ _base_beta = 1.0 # should not be changed
[docs] def vol_for_price(self, strike, spot, texp): # fwd, spot, sigma may be either scalar or np.array. # texp, vov, rho, beta should be scholar values if texp <= 0.0: return 0.0 fwd, _, _ = self._fwd_factor(spot, texp) alpha, betac, rhoc, rho2, vovn = self._variables(spot, texp) betac2 = betac ** 2 log_kk = np.log(fwd / strike) log_kk2 = log_kk * log_kk pow_kk = np.power(strike / fwd, betac / 2) pre1 = pow_kk * (1 + betac2 / 24 * log_kk2 * (1 + betac2 / 80 * log_kk2)) term02 = (2 - 3 * rho2) / 24 * self.vov ** 2 term11 = alpha * self.vov * self.rho * self.beta / 4 / pow_kk term20 = (betac * alpha / pow_kk) ** 2 / 24 if self.approx_order == 0: vol = 1.0 else: vol = 1.0 + texp * (term02 + term11 + term20) zz = pow_kk * log_kk * self.vov / np.maximum(alpha, np.finfo(float).eps) hh = self._hh( -zz, self.rho ) # note we pass -zz becaues hh(zz) definition is different vol *= alpha * hh / pre1 # bsm vol return vol
[docs] def calibrate3(self, price_or_vol3, strike3, spot, texp, cp=1, setval=False, is_vol=True): """ Given option prices or implied vols at 3 strikes, compute the sigma, vov, rho to fit the data using `scipy.optimize.root`. If prices are given (is_vol=False) convert the prices to vol first. Args: price_or_vol3: 3 prices or 3 volatilities (depending on `is_vol`) strike3: 3 strike prices spot: spot price texp: time to expiry cp: cp setval: if True, set sigma, vov, rho values is_vol: if True, `price_or_vol3` are volatilities. Returns: Dictionary of `sigma`, `vov`, and `rho`. """ model = copy.copy(self) if is_vol: vol3 = price_or_vol3 else: vol3 = self.base_model(None).impvol(price_or_vol3, strike3, spot, texp, cp=cp) def iv_func(x): model.sigma = np.exp(x[0]) model.vov = np.exp(x[1]) model.rho = np.tanh(x[2]) err = model.vol_for_price(strike3, spot, texp=texp) - vol3 return err sol = spop.root(iv_func, np.array([np.log(vol3[1]), -1, 0.0])) params = { "sigma": np.exp(sol.x[0]), "vov": np.exp(sol.x[1]), "rho": np.tanh(sol.x[2]), } if setval: self.sigma, self.vov, self.rho = ( params["sigma"], params["vov"], params["rho"], ) return params
[docs]class SabrNormVolApprox(SabrVolApproxABC): """ Noram SABR model (beta=0) with normal volatility approximation. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyfeng as pf >>> m = pf.SabrNormVolApprox(sigma=20, vov=0.8, rho=-0.3) >>> m.vol_for_price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([24.97568842, 22.78062691, 21.1072 , 20.38569729, 20.78963436]) >>> m.price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([23.70791426, 15.74437409, 9.22425529, 4.78754361, 2.38004685]) """ _base_beta = 0 # should not be changed is_atmvol = False def __init__( self, sigma, vov=0.0, rho=0.0, beta=None, intr=0.0, divr=0.0, is_fwd=False, is_atmvol=False, ): """ Args: sigma: model volatility at t=0 vov: volatility of volatility rho: correlation between price and volatility beta: elasticity parameter. should be 0 or None. intr: interest rate (domestic interest rate) divr: dividend/convenience yield (foreign interest rate) is_fwd: if True, treat `spot` as forward price. False by default. is_atmvol: If True, use `sigma` as the ATM normal vol """ # Make sure beta = 0 if beta is not None and not np.isclose(beta, 0.0): print(f"Ignoring beta = {beta}...") self.is_atmvol = is_atmvol super().__init__(sigma, vov, rho, beta=0, intr=intr, divr=divr, is_fwd=is_fwd)
[docs] def vol_for_price(self, strike, spot, texp): fwd = self.forward(spot, texp) if self.approx_order == 0 or self.is_atmvol: vol = 1.0 else: vol = 1.0 + texp * (2 - 3 * self.rho ** 2) / 24 * self.vov ** 2 zz = self.vov / self.sigma * (strike - fwd) hh = self._hh(zz, self.rho) vol *= self.sigma * hh return vol
[docs]class SabrChoiWu2021H(SabrVolApproxABC, smile.MassZeroABC): """ The CEV volatility approximation of the SABR model based on Theorem 1 of Choi & Wu (2019) References: - Choi, J., & Wu, L. (2019). The equivalent constant-elasticity-of-variance (CEV) volatility of the stochastic-alpha-beta-rho (SABR) model. ArXiv:1911.13123 [q-Fin]. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyfeng as pf >>> m = pf.SabrChoiWu2021H(sigma=2, vov=0.2, rho=-0.3, beta=0.5) >>> m.vol_for_price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([2.07833214, 2.03698255, 2.00332 , 1.97692259, 1.95735019]) >>> m.price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([22.04897988, 14.56240351, 8.74169054, 4.72340753, 2.28876105]) """ def __init__( self, sigma, vov=0.0, rho=0.0, beta=1.0, intr=0.0, divr=0.0, is_fwd=False, vol_beta=None, ): """ Args: sigma: model volatility at t=0 vov: volatility of volatility rho: correlation between price and volatility beta: elasticity parameter. 1.0 by default intr: interest rate (domestic interest rate) divr: dividend/convenience yield (foreign interest rate) is_fwd: if True, treat `spot` as forward price. False by default. vol_beta: the beta for the volatility to choose _m_vol. If None (by default) vol_beta = beta """ self._base_beta = vol_beta super().__init__(sigma, vov, rho, beta, intr, divr, is_fwd)
[docs] def vol_for_price(self, strike, spot, texp): # fwd, spot, sigma may be either scalar or np.array. # texp, vov, rho, beta should be scholar values vol_beta = self._base_beta or self.beta vol_betac = 1.0 - vol_beta fwd, _, _ = self._fwd_factor(spot, texp) alpha, betac, rhoc, rho2, vovn = self._variables(fwd, texp) kk = strike / fwd # standardized strike vov_over_alpha_safe = self.vov / np.maximum(alpha, np.finfo(float).eps) tmp = self._int_inv_locvol(kk, self.beta) qq_ratio = 1.0 if self._base_beta is None else self._int_inv_locvol(kk, vol_beta) / tmp qq = tmp * (kk - 1.0) zz = vov_over_alpha_safe * qq # zeta = (vov/sigma0) q hh = self._hh(zz, self.rho) # term02: O(vov^2) term02 = (2 - 3 * rho2) / 24 * self.vov ** 2 # term11: O(alpha*vov) # C(k)-C(1)/(k-1). Notice that 1/beta comes from int_inv_locvol term11 = self.rho * self.beta / 4 * self.vov * alpha * self._int_inv_locvol(kk, betac) # term20: O(alpha^2) if np.isclose(self.beta, vol_beta): term20 = 0.0 else: with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): ## Override ATM (qq=0) term20 = np.where( np.fabs(qq) < 1e-6, (betac**2 - vol_betac**2) / 24 * alpha**2, (0.5*(self.beta - self._base_beta) * np.log(kk) - np.log(qq_ratio)) * alpha**2 / qq, ) # else: # raise ValueError('Cannot handle this vol_beta different from beta') ## Return if self.approx_order == 0: vol = 1.0 else: vol = 1.0 + texp * (term20 + term11 + term02) pre_fac = alpha * np.power(fwd, vol_betac) * qq_ratio vol *= pre_fac * hh return vol
[docs] def mass_zero(self, spot, texp, log=False): assert self._base_beta is None vol_cev = self.vol_for_price(0.0, spot, texp) cev_m = cev.Cev(sigma=vol_cev, beta=self.beta) mass = cev_m.mass_zero(spot, texp, log=log) return mass
[docs] def mass_zero_t0(self, spot, texp): """ Limit value of -T log(M_T) as T -> 0, where M_T is the mass at zero. See Corollary 3.1 of Choi & Wu (2019) Args: spot: spot (or forward) price texp: time to expiry Returns: -lim_{T->0} T log(M_T) """ fwd = self.forward(spot, texp) alpha, betac, rhoc, rho2, _ = self._variables(fwd, texp) hh = self._hh(-self.vov / (alpha * betac), self.rho) t0 = 0.5 / (betac * alpha * hh) ** 2 return t0
[docs]class SabrChoiWu2021P(SabrChoiWu2021H, smile.MassZeroABC): """ The CEV volatility approximation of the SABR modelbased on Theorem 2 of Choi & Wu (2019) References: - Choi, J., & Wu, L. (2019). The equivalent constant-elasticity-of-variance (CEV) volatility of the stochastic-alpha-beta-rho (SABR) model. ArXiv:1911.13123 [q-Fin]. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyfeng as pf >>> m = pf.SabrChoiWu2021P(sigma=2, vov=0.2, rho=-0.3, beta=0.5) >>> m.vol_for_price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([2.07761123, 2.03665311, 2.00332 , 1.97718783, 1.95781579]) >>> m.price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([22.0470526 , 14.56114825, 8.74169054, 4.72447547, 2.29018838]) """
[docs] def vol_for_price(self, strike, spot, texp): # fwd, spot, sigma may be either scalar or np.array. # texp, vov, rho, beta should be scholar values vol_beta = self._base_beta or self.beta vol_betac = 1.0 - vol_beta fwd, _, _ = self._fwd_factor(spot, texp) alpha, betac, rhoc, rho2, vovn = self._variables(fwd, texp) kk = strike / fwd # standardized strike # explicitly make np.array even if args are all scalar or list if isinstance(kk, float): kk = np.array([kk]) ## Eq 32 (leading order) vov_over_alpha_safe = self.vov / np.maximum(alpha, np.finfo(float).eps) # qq_ratio = qq_vol_beta / qq_beta tmp = self._int_inv_locvol(kk, self.beta) qq_ratio = ( 1.0 if self._base_beta is None else self._int_inv_locvol(kk, vol_beta) / tmp ) zz = vov_over_alpha_safe * tmp * (kk - 1.0) # zeta = (vov/sigma0) q hh = self._hh(zz, self.rho) v_m = self._vv(zz, self.rho) if abs(betac) < 0.001: gg_diff = ( 0.5 * self.beta * self.rho / (1.0 - rho2) * (v_m - 1.0 - self.rho * zz) ) else: t1 = (v_m + self.rho + zz) / rhoc # array t2 = (1 + self.rho) / rhoc # scalar eta = self.vov / (betac * alpha) * np.power(kk, betac) * (rhoc / v_m) eta2_m_1 = eta * eta - 1.0 sqrt_eta2_m_1 = np.sqrt(abs(eta2_m_1)) num_t1 = self.rho + (eta - rhoc) * t1 num_t2 = self.rho + (eta - rhoc) * t2 gg1 = np.arctan(t1) gg2 = np.arctan(t2) * np.ones_like(t1) # t2 is a scalar, so vectorize eps = 1e-6 ind = eta2_m_1 > eps gg2[ind] += ( eta[ind] / sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind] * np.arctan2(sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind], num_t2[ind]) ) gg1[ind] += ( eta[ind] / sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind] * np.arctan2(sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind], num_t1[ind]) ) ind = eta2_m_1 < -eps gg1[ind] += ( eta[ind] / sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind] * 0.5 * np.log( abs( (num_t1[ind] + sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind]) / (num_t1[ind] - sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind]) ) ) ) # as eta->0 (k->0) the numerator diverge. but the gg2 value should be 0. ind = (eta2_m_1 < -eps) * (eta > eps) gg2[ind] += ( eta[ind] / sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind] * 0.5 * np.log( abs( (num_t2[ind] + sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind]) / (num_t2[ind] - sqrt_eta2_m_1[ind]) ) ) ) # when eta is very small, the term above is zero, so do nothing. ind = abs(eta2_m_1) <= eps gg1[ind] += ( eta[ind] / num_t1[ind] * (1 - eta2_m_1[ind] / num_t1[ind] ** 2 / 3) ) gg2[ind] += ( eta[ind] / num_t2[ind] * (1 - eta2_m_1[ind] / num_t2[ind] ** 2 / 3) ) gg_diff = self.rho * self.beta / (rhoc * betac) * (gg2 - gg1) zz2_safe = np.maximum(zz**2, np.finfo(float).eps) if np.isclose(self.beta, vol_beta): tmp = 0.0 else: tmp = 0.5 * (self.beta - self._base_beta) * np.log(kk) - np.log(qq_ratio) """ with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): ## Override ATM (qq=0) term20 = np.where( np.fabs(qq) < 1e-6, (np.square(betac) - np.square(vol_betac)) / 24 * np.square(alpha), (0.5 * (self.beta - self._base_beta) * np.log(kk) - np.log(qq_ratio)) * np.square(alpha) / qq ) """ order1 = (self.vov * hh)**2 / zz2_safe * (tmp + 0.5 * np.log(v_m / np.square(hh)) + gg_diff) ## Override ATM (z=0) ind_atm = abs(zz) < 1e-6 order1[ind_atm] = (betac**2 - vol_betac**2)/24 * alpha**2 \ + ((self.rho * self.beta / 4) * alpha + (2 - 3 * rho2) / 24 * self.vov) * self.vov # RHS scalar # return value if self.approx_order == 0: vol = 1.0 else: vol = 1.0 + order1 * texp # order0 = (z_base' / z_base) * hh vol *= alpha * np.power(fwd, vol_betac) * qq_ratio * hh return vol[0] if vol.size == 1 else vol
[docs]class SabrLorig2017(SabrVolApproxABC): """ Third-order BSM volatilty approximation of the SABR model by Lorig et al. (2017) References: Lorig, M., Pagliarani, S., & Pascucci, A. (2017). Explicit Implied Volatilities for Multifactor Local-Stochastic Volatility Models. Mathematical Finance, 27(3), 926–960. """ _base_beta = 1.0 # should not be changed lv_factor = 1.0 approx_order = 3
[docs] def vol_for_price(self, strike, spot, texp): # fwd, spot, sigma may be either scalar or np.array. # texp, vov, rho, beta should be scholar values fwd, _, _ = self._fwd_factor(spot, texp) alpha, betac, rhoc, rho2, vovn = self._variables(fwd, texp) kk = strike / fwd # standardized strike kmx = np.log(kk) kmx_2 = kmx * kmx kmx_3 = kmx * kmx_2 t_2 = texp * texp if self.approx_order > 1 else 0.0 t_3 = texp * t_2 if self.approx_order > 2 else 0.0 betac_2 = betac * betac betac_3 = betac * betac_2 rho = self.rho vov = self.vov vov_2 = vov * vov vov_3 = vov * vov_2 s0 = alpha s0_2 = s0 * s0 s0_3 = s0 * s0_2 s0_4 = s0 * s0_3 s0_5 = s0 * s0_4 s10 = s0 / 2 * (-betac) * kmx s01 = vov / 4 * (2 * kmx * rho + texp * s0 * (-vov + rho * s0)) s20 = ( s0 * betac_2 * (texp / 24 * s0_2 - t_2 / 96 * s0_4 + kmx_2 / 12) * self.lv_factor ) s11 = -betac * vov s11 *= ( texp / 4 * rho * s0_2 - t_2 / 48 * rho * s0_4 - texp / 24 * s0 * (3 * vov - 5 * rho * s0) * kmx ) s02 = vov_2 s02 *= ( texp / 24 * (8 - 3 * rho2) * s0 + t_2 / 96 * s0 * (5 * vov_2 + 2 * s0 * ((6 * rho2 - 2) * s0 - 7 * vov * rho)) - texp / 24 * rho * (vov - 3 * rho * s0) * kmx + (2 - 3 * rho2) / (12 * s0) * kmx_2 ) s30 = -betac_3 * s0_3 * kmx s30 *= texp / 16 - 5 / 192 * t_2 * s0_2 s21 = betac_2 * vov s21 *= ( t_2 / 96 * s0_3 * (7 * rho * s0 - 3 * vov) + t_3 / 384 * s0_5 * (5 * vov - 7 * rho * s0) + 13 / 48 * texp * rho * s0_2 * kmx - 13 / 192 * t_2 * rho * s0_4 * kmx - texp / 48 * s0 * (vov - 3 * rho * s0) * kmx_2 ) s12 = -betac * vov_2 s12 *= ( t_2 / 48 * rho * s0_2 * (13 * rho * s0 - 7 * vov) + t_3 / 192 * rho * s0_4 * (5 * vov - 7 * rho * s0) + texp / 48 * (3 * rho2 + 8) * s0 * kmx + t_2 / 192 * s0 * (5 * vov_2 - 22 * vov * rho * s0 + 4 * (5 * rho2 - 3) * s0_2) * kmx + texp / 24 * rho2 * s0 * kmx_2 + (3 * rho2 - 2) / (24 * s0) * kmx_3 ) s03 = vov_3 s03 *= ( t_2 / 96 * s0 * (3 * vov * (rho2 - 4) + rho * (26 - 9 * rho2) * s0) + t_3 / 384 * s0 * ( s0 * ( 19 * vov_2 * rho + 2 * s0 * (vov * (8 - 21 * rho2) + rho * (15 * rho2 - 11) * s0) ) - 3 * vov_3 ) + texp / 48 * rho * (3 * rho2 - 2) * kmx + t_2 / 192 * rho * (vov_2 + 6 * s0 * (vov * rho + (1 - 2 * rho2) * s0)) * kmx - texp / 16 * rho * (rho2 - 1) * kmx_2 + rho * (6 * rho2 - 5) / (24 * s0_2) * kmx_3 ) vol = s0 + (s10 + s01) + (s20 + s11 + s02) + (s30 + s21 + s12 + s03) return vol