Source code for pyfeng.gamma

import scipy.stats as spst
import numpy as np
from . import opt_smile_abc as smile

[docs]class InvGam(smile.OptSmileABC): """ Option pricing model with the inverse gamma (reciprocal gamma) distribution. The parameters (alpha, beta) is from Wikipedia. Note that the n-th moment of the inverse gamma RV is beta^n / (alpha-1)*...*(alpha-n). Alpha and beta is calibrated to match the first two moments of the lognormal distribution with volatility sigma so that the option price is similar to that of the BSM model with volatility sigma. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyfeng as pf >>> m = pf.InvGam(sigma=0.2, intr=0.05, divr=0.1) >>> m.price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([15.49803779, 9.53595458, 5.49889751, 3.02086661, 1.60505654]) """ sigma = None @staticmethod def price_formula( strike, spot, texp, alpha, beta, cp=1, intr=0.0, divr=0.0, is_fwd=False ): disc_fac = np.exp(-texp * intr) fwd_scale = spot * (1.0 if is_fwd else np.exp(-texp * divr) / disc_fac) / beta kk = strike / beta price = np.where( cp > 0, fwd_scale * spst.gamma.cdf(x=1 / kk, a=alpha - 1) - kk * spst.gamma.cdf(x=1 / kk, a=alpha), kk * spst.gamma.sf(x=1 / kk, a=alpha) - fwd_scale * spst.gamma.sf(x=1 / kk, a=alpha - 1), ) return disc_fac * beta * price
[docs] def alpha_beta(self, spot, texp): """ Computes the inverse gamma distribution parameters (alpha, beta) from sigma, spot, texp. m1 = beta/(alpha-1) m2/m1^2 = exp(sigma^2 T) = (alpha-1)/(alpha-2) Args: spot: spot (or forward) price texp: time to expiry Returns: (alpha, beta) """ fwd = self.forward(spot, texp) alpha = 1 / (np.exp(self.sigma ** 2 * texp) - 1) + 2 beta = (alpha - 1) * fwd return alpha, beta
[docs] def price(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1): alpha, beta = self.alpha_beta(spot, texp) return self.price_formula( strike, spot, texp, alpha, beta, cp=cp, intr=self.intr, divr=self.divr )
def cdf(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1): alpha, beta = self.alpha_beta(spot, texp) x = strike / beta cdf = np.where( cp > 0, spst.gamma.cdf(1 / x, a=alpha), spst.gamma.sf(1 / x, a=alpha) ) return cdf
class InvGauss(smile.OptSmileABC): """ Option pricing model with the inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution. The IG distribution with (gamma, delta) is modeled by scipy.stats.invgauss.invgauss(mu=1/(gamma*delta), scale=delta**2) When, sig = gamma = delta, the IG variable has mean 1 and variance 1/sig^2. We match the momoent by m2/m1^2 = 1/sig^2 = exp(sigma^2 T) Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyfeng as pf >>> m = pf.InvGauss(sigma=0.2, intr=0.05, divr=0.1) >>> m.price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([15.71924064, 9.70753358, 5.54459412, 2.95300168, 1.48019682]) """ sigma = None def price(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1): fwd, df, _ = self._fwd_factor(spot, texp) sig2_inv = np.exp(self.sigma ** 2 * texp) - 1 ig = spst.invgauss(mu=sig2_inv, scale=1 / sig2_inv) kk = strike / fwd price = np.where( cp > 0, ig.cdf(1 / kk) - kk * ig.sf(kk), kk * ig.cdf(kk) - ig.sf(1 / kk), ) return df * fwd * price def cdf(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1): fwd, df, _ = self._fwd_factor(spot, texp) sig2_inv = np.exp(self.sigma ** 2 * texp) - 1 ig = spst.invgauss(mu=sig2_inv, scale=1 / sig2_inv) x = strike / fwd cdf = np.where(cp > 0, ig.sf(x), ig.cdf(x)) return cdf