Source code for pyfeng.cev

import scipy.stats as spst
import scipy.special as spsp
import numpy as np
from . import opt_abc as opt
from . import opt_smile_abc as smile

[docs]class Cev(opt.OptAnalyticABC, smile.OptSmileABC, smile.MassZeroABC): """ Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model. Underlying price is assumed to follow CEV process: dS_t = (r - q) S_t dt + sigma S_t^beta dW_t, where dW_t is a standard Brownian motion. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyfeng as pf >>> m = pf.Cev(sigma=0.2, beta=0.5, intr=0.05, divr=0.1) >>> m.price(np.arange(80, 121, 10), 100, 1.2) array([16.11757214, 10.00786871, 5.64880408, 2.89028476, 1.34128656]) """ sigma = None beta = 0.5 def __init__(self, sigma, beta=0.5, intr=0.0, divr=0.0, is_fwd=False): """ Args: sigma: model volatility beta: elasticity parameter. 0.5 by default intr: interest rate (domestic interest rate) divr: dividend/convenience yield (foreign interest rate) is_fwd: if True, treat `spot` as forward price. False by default. """ super().__init__(sigma, intr=intr, divr=divr, is_fwd=is_fwd) self.beta = beta
[docs] def params_kw(self): params = super().params_kw() extra = {"beta": self.beta} return {**params, **extra} # Py 3.9, params | extra
[docs] def mass_zero(self, spot, texp, log=False): fwd = self.forward(spot, texp) betac = 1.0 - self.beta a = 0.5/betac sigma_std = np.maximum(self.sigma/np.power(fwd, betac)*np.sqrt(texp), np.finfo(float).eps) x = 0.5/np.square(betac*sigma_std) if log: log_mass = (a - 1)*np.log(x) - x - np.log(spsp.gamma(a)) log_mass += np.log(1 + (a - 1)/x*(1 + (a - 2)/x*(1 + (a - 3)/x*(1 + (a - 4)/x)))) with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): log_mass = np.where(x > 100, log_mass, np.log(spst.gamma.sf(x=x, a=a))) return log_mass else: return spst.gamma.sf(x=x, a=a)
[docs] def mass_zero_t0(self, spot, texp): """ Limit value of -T log(M_T) as T -> 0, where M_T is the mass at zero. Args: spot: spot (or forward) price Returns: - lim_{T->0} T log(M_T) """ fwd = self.forward(spot, texp) betac = 1.0 - self.beta alpha = self.sigma/np.power(fwd, betac) t0 = 0.5/(betac*alpha)**2 return t0
[docs] @staticmethod def price_formula(strike, spot, texp, sigma=None, cp=1, beta=0.5, intr=0.0, divr=0.0, is_fwd=False): """ CEV model call/put option pricing formula (static method) Args: strike: strike price spot: spot (or forward) sigma: model volatility texp: time to expiry cp: 1/-1 for call/put option beta: elasticity parameter intr: interest rate (domestic interest rate) divr: dividend/convenience yield (foreign interest rate) is_fwd: if True, treat `spot` as forward price. False by default. Returns: Vanilla option price """ disc_fac = np.exp(-texp*intr) fwd = spot*(1.0 if is_fwd else np.exp(-texp*divr)/disc_fac) betac = 1.0 - beta betac_inv = 1.0/betac alpha = sigma/np.power(fwd, betac) sigma_std = np.maximum(alpha*np.sqrt(texp), np.finfo(float).eps) kk = strike/fwd x = 1.0/np.square(betac*sigma_std) y = np.power(kk, 2*betac)*x # Need to clean up the case beta > 0 if beta > 1.0: raise ValueError("Cannot handle beta value higher than 1.0") ncx2_sf = spst.ncx2.sf ncx2_cdf = spst.ncx2.cdf # Computing call and put is a bit of computtion waste, but do this for vectorization. price = np.where( cp > 0, fwd*ncx2_sf(y, 2 + betac_inv, x) - strike*ncx2_cdf(x, betac_inv, y), strike*ncx2_sf(x, betac_inv, y) - fwd*ncx2_cdf(y, 2 + betac_inv, x), ) return disc_fac*price
[docs] def delta(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1): fwd, df, divf = self._fwd_factor(spot, texp) betac_inv = 1/(1 - self.beta) k_star = 1.0/np.square(self.sigma/betac_inv)/texp x = k_star*np.power(fwd, 2/betac_inv) y = k_star*np.power(strike, 2/betac_inv) if self.beta < 1.0: delta = 0.5*(cp - 1) + spst.ncx2.sf(y, 2 + betac_inv, x)\ + 2*x/betac_inv*(spst.ncx2.pdf(y, 4 + betac_inv, x) - strike/fwd*spst.ncx2.pdf(x, betac_inv, y)) else: delta = 0.5*(cp - 1) + spst.ncx2.sf(x, -betac_inv, y)\ - 2*x/betac_inv*(spst.ncx2.pdf(x, -betac_inv, y) - strike/fwd*spst.ncx2.pdf(y, 4 - betac_inv, x)) delta *= df if self.is_fwd else divf return delta
[docs] def cdf(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1): fwd = self.forward(spot, texp) betac = 1.0 - self.beta betac_inv = 1.0/betac alpha = self.sigma/np.power(fwd, betac) sigma_std = np.maximum(alpha*np.sqrt(texp), np.finfo(float).eps) kk = strike/fwd x = 1.0/np.square(betac*sigma_std) y = np.power(kk, 2*betac)*x cdf = np.where(cp > 0, spst.ncx2.cdf(x, betac_inv, y), spst.ncx2.sf(x, betac_inv, y)) return cdf
[docs] def gamma(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1): fwd, df, divf = self._fwd_factor(spot, texp) betac_inv = 1/(1 - self.beta) k_star = 1.0/np.square(self.sigma/betac_inv)/texp x = k_star*np.power(fwd, 2/betac_inv) y = k_star*np.power(strike, 2/betac_inv) if self.beta < 1.0: gamma = (2 + betac_inv - x)*spst.ncx2.pdf(y, 4 + betac_inv, x) \ + x*spst.ncx2.pdf(y, 6 + betac_inv, x) \ + strike/fwd*(x*spst.ncx2.pdf(x, betac_inv, y) - y*spst.ncx2.pdf(x, 2 + betac_inv, y)) else: gamma = (x*spst.ncx2.pdf(x, -betac_inv, y) - y*spst.ncx2.pdf(x, 2 - betac_inv, y)) \ + strike/fwd*((2 - betac_inv - x)*spst.ncx2.pdf(y, 4 - betac_inv, x) + x*spst.ncx2.pdf(y, 6 - betac_inv, x)) gamma *= 2*(divf/betac_inv)**2/df*x/fwd if self.is_fwd: gamma *= (df/divf)**2 return gamma
[docs] def vega(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1): fwd, df, divf = self._fwd_factor(spot, texp) spot = fwd*df/divf betac_inv = 1/(1 - self.beta) k_star = 1.0/np.square(self.sigma/betac_inv)/texp x = k_star*np.power(fwd, 2/betac_inv) y = k_star*np.power(strike, 2/betac_inv) if self.beta < 1.0: vega = -fwd*spst.ncx2.pdf(y, 4 + betac_inv, x) + strike*spst.ncx2.pdf(x, betac_inv, y) else: vega = fwd*spst.ncx2.pdf(x, -betac_inv, y) - strike*spst.ncx2.pdf(y, 4 - betac_inv, x) sigma = self.sigma*np.power(spot, self.beta - 1) vega *= df*2*x/sigma return vega
[docs] def theta(self, strike, spot, texp, cp=1): ### Need to implement this return self.theta_numeric(strike, spot, texp, cp=cp)